An Obedient Girl?
According to Wikipedia,"Obedience, in human behavior, is a form of "social influence in which a person yields to explicit instructions or orders from an authority figure". Obedience is generally distinguished from compliance, which is behavior influenced by peers, and from conformity, which is behavior intended to match that of the majority."
I have been hearing this from my childhood, from teachers, parents,relatives etc ."She's a very obedient girl."Heard me being compared to others .."Look how Obedient she is..Why cant you be like her?" These were sort of accomplishments for me and excite me so much that I would just believe in everything and anything people say.
Obedience has been a major factor in my it studies "This is what my parents want me to be...I should focus on that""This is how my teacher wants me to learn and write..let me not annoy her",marriage " This will make my parent happy..", dreams .."This is not the right time..I have so many responsibilities to take care of",career "I cannot make this decision..People may judge me..I may be targeted "...
I was scared to voice out my thoughts right from school.I still remember my heart beats ,when a teacher asks for an opinion in the class, I will have an opinion but still would be sitting there with my head bowed down.
What will my classmates and friends think? What will my parent think?What will my relatives think ? How will I be judged? These thoughts would be so strong enough that I swallow all my words to myself and never even take an effort to speak.Reason .."Come on ..I am an obedient girl..and wouldnt hurt anyone!!!"
I often think " Do I need to be an individual with my own opinion, perspective ?" or "Do I need to part of an "accepted" herd?".
So what if..I speak my thoughts..What if I walk the talk by not being judgemental? What if .. I be accountable for all actions and build my wings ?
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