2022 Wrap up Blog

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2022 was the year of many beginnings for me. I was stepping into motherhood and starting my journey in data science. If I was able to give you flashes of my professional journey till now, here it is ...dilemma of MBA or Mtech ...desire to study in 'IITs'or "IIMs'.... final destination to make it to civil services... marriage..personal confusions ...6 years of hard core preparations for the coveted IAS... parallelly doing full stack development, Handling Operations and Product management in a services company. This is my professional journey in a nutshell... The whole 11 years started from being a Btech topper till now.

I witnessed all these pictures before me and I was getting overwhelmed to see people who were younger than me, pretty much clear of what they wanted and also know how to get it.

The Internet has become engraved in our lives so much ..that we have too much information on anything...This has its pros and cons. Especially for a person like me..who easily gets distracted and lacks the perseverance to complete what is there in hand.

So ..how data science then? Well ..I got to know the tremendous amount of important data played in major leadership decisions these days from the previous role that I played as a product manager.. for an analytics platform.

I got to know about the PG diploma program by IIIT B offered by one of the Edtech firms and I dived into it. So, here I learned first about MS Excel,R,CRISP-DM Framework, Python, Python libraries, Data Visualization using Python, EDA , Basics of Probability,Hypothesis Testing ,SQL , Advanced SQL concepts, Basics of Machine Learning - Supervised and Unsupervised Algorithms in a nutshell.

From here, my affair with Python began and now I am simply in love with this language. I always believe in "A worker must know its tools well", hence I took up specialization in data engineering, where I learnt Hadoop framework, MapR, Unstructured Data, NoSql databases, HBase,MongoDB, Ingestion tools like Sqoop and Flume, Data warehousing, ETL/ELT,Hive querying,Redshift,Spark, Analytics using Pyspark, Realtime data processing using Kafka and Spark Streaming and so many more. I did a couple of projects using some of the tools above.Would you be surprised if I said this was the first time I got to know about Github?

One thing I realized in 2022 is learning never ends and this has to be a habit for you and there are couple of takeaways from 2022 : Learning everything is possible but you also need to know how to enjoy the process. You can either stress yourself and try to get into the rat race or you can enjoy the journey, take breaks now and then, make it part of your work to cement it and be very strong in your foundations.

I got to know of #wemakedevs and #kunalkushwaha recently and I appreciate his earnest effort to simplify complex topics and make them accessible and digestable to all...

I hope I will be able to write better and more in upcoming months....